Articles featuring Katy

For many people with binge eating disorder, there may be a surprising ‘why’

I spoke with National Geographic about the correlation between binge eating disorder and ADHD.

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Could an ADHD Coach Be Right for Me?

I spoke with HealthCentral about the benefits of ADHD coaching and how it differs from therapy.

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Katy Weber: Building a community for women with ADHD

I was featured in a list of Top 10 Neurodivergent Influencers on TikTok in Net Influencer.

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What I Wish People Knew About Gender and ADHD

I spoke with PsychCentral about how ADHD impacts folks of different genders.

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Should teens join Weight Watchers?

I spoke with the New York Post about the downside of Weight Watchers targeting teenagers with a free program.

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It might be a bad idea to go on a diet

I was profiled by the New York Post about my history with Weight Watchers, binge eating, the hidden dangers of diet culture.

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Podcasts & interviews featuring Katy


I chat with Laura Mears-Reynolds about academic struggles, life with babies, imposter syndrome, and always feeling like a failure.

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Couples Counseling for Parents

I talk with Stephen Mitchell, PhD, and Erin Mitchell, MACP, about how ADHD symptoms can impact our parenting & partner relationship.

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Refocused, A Podcast All About ADHD

I share with Lindsay my ADHD experience and “pandemic mom meltdown” diagnosis, and talk about how I help countless individuals with ADHD.

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Start to Stop Toddler Breastfeeding

I talk with Jenna about the lived experience of an adult woman with ADHD is, different avenues for pursuing a diagnosis, and how to navigate the world once you have one.

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The ADHD Skills Lab

Katy Weber Talks Maintaining Routines with ADHD.
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Vision Driven Mom with ADHD

Katy Weber and Tracy talk about the challenging relationship many women with ADHD have with food.

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The Adulting With ADHD Podcast 

I discuss ADHD and binge eating with host Sarah Snyder.

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What It's Like When Mom Has ADHD

I was interviewed by Sheryl Gould for her Moms of Tweens and Teens podcast.

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Executive Function and ADHD Shame in Women

I was a guest on the ADHD "Aha!" podcast.

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Katy Weber & Jules Edwards

Julia & I were guests on the Empowered Authenticity podcast.
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Vision Driven Mom with ADHD

I talk with Tracy about my adult ADHD diagnosis, the visceral reaction I initially had to it and how it has helped me see myself in a different way.

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The 'ADHD Midwife'

I was interviewed by Catherine Avery for her Uncluttered Office podcast.
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ADHD & Binge Eating

I was interviewed by Yakini Pierce for her ADHD Love 2020 Youtube channel.

Watch here

Episode 13
of Two Addys

I was a guest on the podcast Two Addys and a Coffee, Please.

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The Current

Critics warn Weight Watchers' free teen membership could lead to eating disorders.

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